Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Driving a Bus to Maine

This has been a good week overall. It has not been too unusual. Actually, that is not entirely true. Last week, I cannot remember which day, we got to use a golf cart at work. I of course asked if I could drive. Renea initially said that only the people who borrowed it could drive, but I reminded her of my ninja driving skills, and she changed her mind. I drove it several times. It was fun, but after a bus, it was not that satisfying. And the brakes sucked. They are just really weak. We used the gold cart to move bed linens around, in preparation for the conferences and EFY groups to use the buildings over the summer. Basically we have been doing everything necessary to prepare Heritage Halls for all the summer activities.

Yesterday at work, we decided to go a little bigger. We somehow acquired a small truck, with an actual engine. Once again, I asked if I could drive, and got denied until I brough up my ninja skills. Again, that was a little less than satisfying, but it was a step up from a golf cart! We were moving pillows to the buildings yesterday. Each building needed between 60 and 75 pillows, so there was a lot to move! I stayed a little late to finish up with that, and as a result, I completely forgot to buy milk on the way home. I had to forgo breakfast this morning. Tomorrow will be the same, because I forgot to buy milk again.

Last night, I called up Ashley to see if I could stop by to return her socks, which I had borrowed when we went to the mock trial last week. I finally washed them on Saturday. I suppose I could have returned them to her earlier, but Tuesday is the only day that I do not normally just run into her, so I figured I would wait, and use that as a bit of an excuse to see her. I suppose I could just visit without an excuse, but maybe that is a more recent developement, I'm not really sure. At any rate, I left my apartment to catch the 8:13pm bus. I wated at the bus stop for a few minutes, and then out of boredom, began looking at the posted schedule, and noticed that there was no bus at 8:13pm. This is odd, because they run every half hour before that and every half hour after that, but for some reason, at 8:13pm, there just randomly is no bus. I have no idea why this is! Rather than stand there for another half hour, I decided to just walk, even though it is over a mile.

I got to Ashley's place a little later than I had told her because I had not anticipated walking, and gave her the socks. I had also brought her a loaf of bread and some maple syrup and a piece of cake. She had been sick all day I learned, and so she advised that I stay for only a short time. She did not want me getting sick, but I ended up staying for a couple of hours again. We talked for a bit, and then she drove me home, just like last time. Tomorrow we are going to the baseball game tomorrow, and on Saturday, I am going to change her oil and a wiper for her, and show her how to do it. She wants to learn. I saw an opportunity. She also wants me to show her how to drive a bus, but I will have to see about that. I need to ask my trainer about that.

Also on Tuesday, in the morning, I finally went to the DMV, and got my Commercial Drivers' License. I had the test on Saturday, and passed, and I just needed to pick up the license. I have that now, and I can drive all by myself in a large vehicle!

Recently, I came up with a fun little scheme for next Christmas. First of all, a little background on this. The Utah Transit Authority has recently bought a number of new transit buses, which they are using to replace the older buses that run many of the local routes around here. They are quite nice, though they look like they belong on rails. Before my mission, I vo0lunteered at the Seashore Trolley Museum, which is basically a transit museum. They collect primarily rail equipment, but they have a growing collection of buses and other equipment as well. I am working with UTA now to try to have them donate one of the old buses, which will probably be junked anyways, to the museum. The catch is that the bus will need to travel from here to Kennebunkport, Maine. My plan, if we can get the bus, is to drive it, with Tim, from here to the museum, in Maine, at Christmas. We would take three days, and drive it to our house, in New Hampshire, where it would spend the night in our yard, and then the next morning, we would take it to Maine. I think while we are at the museum, I'll show Tim how to run some of the trolleys there. Since there are 45 seats on the thing, we are going to leave it open for anyone who wants to come with us. Ashley has already said she wants in on this, and I know a few people who might come just to say they rode a transit bus across the country! I told Ashley at the very least, I could let her drive that bus at the museum, if this all works out. I am still trying to figure out a few things. We would probably burn between 800 and 850 gallons of fuel on the trip, and I could not pay for that out of pocket, even splitting it with everyone who comes. I would ask the museum to raise the fuel money. Also, the logistice of registration and insurance need to be worked out. Ideally, we would have UTA keep the registration and insurace on the bus until it got to the museum, but I am not sure how that will work out. We may have to have the museum cover us. At the very least, I would just register the bus in my name in some state where I have an address, and then drive it, but I cannot afford bus insurance! There are still things to work out, but I think this could be a fun trip! We'll see what happens!

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