Friday, December 11, 2009

It's Cold

I know it has been a while since I have posted anything. There has been less to talk about since I left Alaska though. Everything exciting happened up there. I don't get people asking me the elevation here, while we sit on a floating dock, or asking which side to look at to see whales, when there is only water on one side. Now I drive a school bus, which is quite different. Most noticeably, it is very loud on a school bus. And getting everyone to sit down and buckle up is no small task either.

Lately, it has been cold. Actually, it was colder here than in Fairbanks yesterday. I need a bigger coat. Or two maybe. I am normally the substitute bus driver, but when it snows, I have to drive a normal route, because the lady who normally does also has a snow removal business. Basically, I get to drive her route in the worst weather. On Tuesday for example, the snow and traffic were so bad, we got to school an hour late, even with one of the other drivers picking up my last three stops. It was a crazy day. I am not a huge fan of driving in the snow, but I'll take that over crazy cold temperatures.

What else is news? Most people who read this probably already know what is going on in my life.

Well, I was back in Alaska for Thanksgiving. That was a fun trip. I went there the Monday before Thanksgiving, and returned the Saturday afterwards. Apparently I forgot to tell my dad, because he called just after I landed in Anchorage, and I guess he heard one of the TSA announcements at the airport in the background, and asked if I was at an airport, so I mentioned that I had just landed in Anchorage. I was sure I had told him I was going, but he was quite confused and surprised to hear that I was there. I guess it still surprises him when his son turns up on the other side of the world. I do blame my love to travel on him though. He decided when we were all very young that we needed to see the world, so we would understand, in his words, that "our backyard is not the center of the universe." Well, he doesn't always come anymore, but I am still going places! Alaska was a lot of fun. It actually snowed three times in the five days I was there. I also had my interview to work there again, which I am fairly certain was successful. I am planning on working there again. With my safety record, I didn't think there would be any problems returning.

I guess the only other excitement recently was more of a disappointment. I bought a car in October, so I could get to work. It is a 2002 Volkswagen Jetta GLS. I like it a lot. Well, on November 30, Tim and I decided to go to In-N-Out Burger, in Orem. It is only about a mile from our apartment. We stopped at a red light on State St., and then someone rear ended us. We were hit so hard that we got pushed into the car ahead of us. The police estimated that she was going 40 mph when she hit us. She totaled her car. Mine looked like it was still in good shape. Obviously there was some damage but it looked minor. The people we hit have some rear bumper damage. Well, a few things happened after the accident. First of all, Tim and I had to hang around while the police talked to the girl that hit us. The girls we hit also had to stand around and wait too. We made friends with them, they are Chantel and Krystal. We did end up going to In-N-Out, and they even came. Now we hang out with them a lot actually. It was the weirdest way to meet people! I took my car to a body shop the next day to get an estimate of the damage. Well, a hit at 40 mph is a big one, and it bent the frame of my car. It can be fixed, but the cost is $6017.76. The insurance company, which has been terrible to work with, has decided to total my car. So I had it for five weeks. I may take the money they give me and still fix it. It can be fixed, but it is a big job. Fortunately, I get a rental from them, so I have still been able to get to work and other activities. I hate the rental, it is a Ford Focus, but it is better than nothing. I do need to look around for a replacement car. I won't buy an American car. I would prefer a German one, they have a way of lasting longer than their drivers usually do! I really wish I had my car. I don't want to go car shopping again. I had a good car, which I got for a good price, and it was destroyed by some girl who wasn't paying attention, even though she was driving on a busy street during rush hour. She is lucky that no one was seriously injured! I hope she learned a lesson.

A couple days ago, Tim and I went over to the Spanish Fork Airport, to see if we could fin him a job there. We didn't find him a job, but we found him a cheaper flight school than UVU. He will be going there. While we were there, they asked if we wanted to go for an introductory flight. It was a half hour flight, and it was a lot of fun. Tim was the pilot, and there was an instructor in the right seat. I sat in the back and took pictures for Tim. It was a fun flight. Flying is a lot more enjoyable when you can see out the front! One of these days I'll get a pilot's license. It was fun, and the snow looked a lot prettier from the air than it does from the ground.

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