Saturday, March 21, 2009

Midnight Hiking and CPR

Last night, I had every intention of getting to bed by midnight, because I knew I had to get up earlier than I would have liked to for a Saturday. I had a CPR and First Aid class scheduled for this morning, to get my certification for the summer. I had wanted to do that early though, so I would have the rest of the day to do whatever I wanted to do.

Well, getting to bed at midnight just did not work out. I love biking, and I had been wanting to go on a bike ride all day, so I texted Rachelle, and asked her what she was up to that night. She also likes biking, so we go together once in a while, because it is always a lot more fun with someone. Now, I had to work, and I thought I would be there until about 11:00pm, and she had to babysit for some friends of hers, so we figured we would make it a midnight ride. Later that evening, we decided to make it a midnight hike instead of a bike ride, because there is still a lot of traffic around here on a Friday at midnight, and we wanted to go somewhere lighted. Well, we decided to go hiking in Rock Canyon instead, which was a lot of fun. I had actually never been hiking up there at all. It was a lot of fun. It was so much quieter up in the canyon than it is in the valley, which was sort of refreshing. We went up to a point where there was a large pile of snow, obviously the remains of an avalanche. We thought about climbing over it, but decided not to, because it was dark, and we really did not know what was on the other side. Also, it was nearly as high as the trees around it, so it could have been a much harder climb down the other side. That was our endpoint, and we turned around, and walked back to Rachelle's place. By the time we got back there, it was after 1:00am, so the whole idea of going to bed at midnight was gone. I hung around for a bit and talked, and sort of lost track of time, and I did not end up leaving until about 3:45am. I got home pretty quickly, though I was obviously the only one still up at my place. I went to bed, and got up four hours later to get ready for my class.

When I woke up, I was quite disoriented and confused. At first, I couldn't figure out what the noise in my room was coming from. After listening to it for a few minutes, I realized it was my alarm, which is on my phone. I got up to shut it off, and was quite puzzled. I couldn't figure out how to shut the thing off, and while it was still ringing, I accidentally called Rachelle, and then it just randomly stopped going. Well I was happy about that, but I was still quite unconscious! I got ready, and went to the CPR class.

They started the class with the First Aid portion. We watched a movie, which was a lot of common sense stuff, and rather boring. There were a few rather gruesome scenes of injuries, but other than that, no excitement. At the beginning they warned us that they hardest thing about the movie is staying awake. That was disappointing, because I had just had my shortest night of the year! I actually did surprisingly well though, and did not end up falling asleep. I made it through the entire training. After an exam, which I passed easily, we moved on to the CPR training. All of this was a review from going over it all many times in Boy Scouts when I was younger, but this time I actually got a certification for it. Once we had all been over the CPR portion, and had the chance to practice on the mannequins, we were done. It ended about two hours earlier than I was expecting which was nice. I went home and cleaned up for our cleaning checks. I ended up failing simply because I did not run the oven's self clean cycle, which was stupid, because the thing was clean anyways. Oh well, I ran it this afternoon, and I ought to pass the recheck, on Monday.

I took care of my laundry this afternoon, and then decided it was time for a bike ride. Originally, the plan was to go up the canyon with Rachelle, but she was at her house, so I just went alone. It was great. Most of the canyon was open. Up at Bridal Veil Falls, there was a gate closed across the trail and a sign indicating that it was closed from November 1 to March 31, but I just went around the gate. I got up about another mile, before I ran into snow. Now, if I had gone on my mountain bike, I would have just plowed through and kept going. It is sort of an adventure on a mountain bike. However, I had taken my road bike, because the trail is paced the whole way, so going through the snow simply was not an option. I did not even try. I was a little sad though, because I had to turn around about six miles before I wanted to. It was still a nice ride though. I feel so slow after not biking all winter. I am slower than I was in October, but I know I'll be able to get back in shape. It was a nice little ride, and only took about an hour and a half. It was 22 miles for the round trip. Since then I have just been relaxing a bit. I keep wondering why I am so tired, even though it is so early still, and then I keep remembering that I basically took a nap last night! I think I'll go to bed a little earlier!

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